Monday, June 19, 2017

Oh Yes Summer of 17

Oh Yes Summer of 17

This entry is to friends and family (and potential advisors, clients, and workmates) to catch you up on my professional life.


Recently, I've been anticipating the end of my yoga therapy training this December--knock on wood. It's six years since I began this blog. The three years since I began Deepening Personal Yoga Practice at Niroga have been meaningful and motivating. I've built a practice that includes growing classes at City Rec, Stanford, the VA Palo Alto, and retirement communities. Private clients include three regulars and two drop-in slots at a cancer support organization.

As I've accompanied yoga clients and supporters through the past year, I've had wonderful experiences helping clients heal into yoga practices that loosen shoulders and hips, cope with scoliosis, support cancer survivorship, and engage in renewal. As my skills develop, my confidence grows.


Anticipating the coming six months of engagement, a shift in my emphasis is needed--from yoga teacher toward yoga therapist. As I prepare for the launch of my professional practice, I'll continue to teach what I love to teach: yoga for those whose access to yoga is limited. And I will seek new resources and invest in myself in new ways, to bring about this change.


Now is a moment of celebration and joy, poised on the brink of disaster. As our political system continues to generate chaos--and teeters--we might be getting inured to the great danger. Not me, I'm busy building a group, preparing for the worst--a collapse in economic activity, with no government intervention, this September. Hoping for the best--that the democratic impulse will cause the greed of the few to give way to the wellbeing of the many.

Good wishes to you, may the summer of 2017 find us meaningfully engaged, healing at all levels into our new lives, ready to serve others in love and gratitude.

Wishing you the blessings of a daily practice: a clear mind, an open heart, kind words, and compassionate actions.


Jido Lee Ferguson